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"The Gospel and Good News never change. God’s grace never changes; but how we are able to reach the world with that message does."


Card MinistryThe Caring Committee of Tom’s Creek UMC sends cards each month to our shut-ins and our military families every month.  These cards are truly appreciated by those who receive them—they bring joy, love and certainly something to look forward to every month.


Visitation – The Caring Committee of Tom’s Creek UMC makes visits several times during the year to our shut-in members and to those who could use a little cheer.  They are well received by all who are visited and they look forward to these times of fellowship and God’s love.

Contact Pat Baughman

Feeding FriendZ


Feeding FriendZ prepares meals for Church members and Carroll Vista residents who are ill or house bound.



As of January 9, 2025, we served 14,739 meals.  We want to thank all of you who have helped us prepare and deliver the meals, donated food items and for cash donations.

Contact Pat Baughman (for Church)

Contact Judy Coleman (for Carroll Vista)




When a runner is on second base, the chances of scoring are greater. Second base is the NOW (Nurture, Outreach, Witness) Ministries of the church.  Remember, ministry is the heart of the church!  Where a congregation has claimed a vision for its mission and ministry, there is new life and vitality!


1. The NURTURING MINISTRIES give attention to needs of the congregation, including education, worship, Christian formation, and stewardship.


2. The OUTREACH MINISTRIES give attention to the local and larger community ministries of compassion, justice, and advocacy, which can take many forms.


3. The WITNESS MINISTRIES give attention to evangelistic outreach and sharing of faith stories, communications, lay speaking ministries, and other means that express witness for Jesus Christ.

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child


This ministry  of filling shoeboxes helps to brighten the life of children at Christmas.  


Contact:  Heather Fitzgerald

It has become a beloved tradition for Tom’s Creek to host a rest stop for the Face of America’s annual bike ride.  This special event is where all of us at Tom’s Creek can serve the wounded warriors.  As hundreds of cyclists converge on The Promised Land, they are greeted with applause, waving banners and flags, snacks and beverages.  They always exit The Promised Land feeling loved and supported.


The next Face of America event to be held at The Promised Land will be May 12, 2025--watch for details.


Contact Frank or Sandy Negro
717-359-8737 (h)

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 10926 Simmons Road Emmitsburg, MD  21727  |  Tel: 301-447-3171

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At Tom's Creek we truly believe in journeying together in life.  That means there are times in our lives where we need help, support, prayer, and guidance.  While we try to cultivate an environment where we journey and pray with and for each other, we know there are times where we don't want everyone to know what is going on in our lives but still want help.  

Pastor Mike is available to provide help and can be contacted at

443-501-6028 via telephone or text.

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